It is not just about the loving Father’s right to be engaged with the day-to-day life of his child, but it is the child’s right to be with their fathers.

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Father's Rights Association Of Malaysia

Fathers in Malaysia sadly discover that in Family Court, the probability for them to secure sole custody of their children is extremely low and, for the most part, remains futile litigation.

As a result, sole or primary custody of a couple’s children almost always is invariably granted to mothers. This is where the Fathers’ Rights Association of Malaysia (FRAM) plays an important role.

FRAM consists of an ever-growing group of men and women committed to helping loving fathers enjoy their full rights and responsibilities and helping children have their fathers in their lives substantially.

In Malaysia, mothers are automatically granted sole child custody of a child, especially for children below seven years old, under the Law Reform (Divorce & Marriage) Act 1976.

Thus, a father’s contribution to his children’s lives to be primarily financial in the eyes of the law. FRAM advocates for 50/50 equal shared parenting. This includes by terms of law equality of time, control and guardianship of the child.

A Better Future

Compulsory Shared Parenting and Parent-Child Counselling in the Malaysian Family Law.

The aim of the Father’s Rights Association of Malaysia (FRAM) is to CHANGE THE MINDSET of the law and the society to support shared parenting.

A CHILD should not be a victim of a divorce. A child should not be told to choose which parent he or she wants to live with. No court should decide for them either. FRAM aims to change the family law in Malaysia towards compulsory shared parenting.

Consider these eye-popping statistics

A child in a father-absent home is :

Impactful Stories

Chris had been divorce for the past 10 years
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A Brighter Future for Leo children
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