About Us
Across the Globe, We Are United in Our Dedication to Father’s Rights
What We Are Fighting For
Advocating for Equal Shared Parenting
Fathers in Malaysia sadly discover that in Family Court, the probability of securing sole custody of their children is extremely low and, for the most part, remains futile litigation. As a result, sole or primary custody of a couple’s children almost always is invariably granted to mothers. This is where the Fathers’ Rights Association of Malaysia (FRAM) plays an important role.
FRAM consists of an ever-growing group of men and women committed to helping loving fathers enjoy their full rights and responsibilities and substantially helping children to have their fathers in their lives.
In Malaysia, mothers are automatically granted sole child custody of a child, especially for children below seven years old, under the Law Reform (Divorce & Marriage) Act 1976. Thus, a father’s contribution to his children’s lives to be primarily financial in the eyes of the law. FRAM advocates for 50/50 equal shared parenting. This includes by terms of law equality of time, control and guardianship of the child.

Advocating for Equal Shared Parenting
When a divorce happens in a family, the mother will often obtain custody of the children. As a result, a child will not see their loving fathers as they want, and in most cases, the mother will alienate the child from their fathers out of vengeance.
If a father cannot provide financial demand of the former wife, in most cases, the father is almost ‘punished’ and hardly had a chance to meet their children. Imagine when there have been millions, in fact, hundreds of million cases worldwide where a child did not have memories of growing up with their fathers.
The extended societal consequences are profound and devastating. While many single moms are correctly portrayed heroically, a father in a child’s life also provides a unique and irreplaceable influence. Our goal is to make sure that as many children as possible benefit from a father’s loving presence.
Children Need Both Parents
The summary of many studies on outcomes for children of shared physical custody found that equal shared parenting is most beneficial for the children.
Overall, the studies found that the children in shared parenting families had better outcomes on emotional, behavioral, and psychological well-being measures and better physical health and better relationships with their fathers and their mothers.
Parenting rights should not be a zero-sum concept. A mother’s rights need not be threatened when a father’s rights are recognized. Yet, ironically, many single mothers are discovering that equal, 50/50 shared parenting with fathers gives them more time for their careers, increases their earning power, and makes them happier, prouder moms.
Many women and those alienated from their fathers as children have seen the wisdom of this view and have joined our mission to educate the public, the courts, and the entire legal community about the essential role fathers play in their children’s lives.

Children Need Both Parents
There is a growing evolution of this jurisprudence, and positive changes and reforms eventuate globally.
For example, more recently, divorce laws worldwide have begun to recognize fathers as equal parents. Financial responsibility was only one part of the contribution fathers make to their children.
We Facilitate Safe Learning Spaces
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